Coding on any devices (mac,ios,android,windows,chromeos) seamlessly
Wazaterm - Develop anywhere on any devices with browser
Era to have multiple devices
How many computers do you have? I have a Macbook Pro at home and Chromebox at work and occasionally bring my tablet, iPad to a cafe. If you want to write a code seamlessly across the devices, you need to do the followings:-
- Sign up a cloud service(e.g. AWS, Linode, DigitalOcean..) to get a server/instance.
- Install SSH Client in all your devices. Sometimes you need to purchase an SSH client.
- Set up the SSH client like public/secret keys on multiple devices
Wazaterm does all things in one place, browser with minimal price (see Pricing page for the detail). If you have a browser, you can write a code seamlessly across the devices!
How to use Wazaterm
1. Go to and signup
2. Select storage
3. Select instance
4. Start the terminal. Now you can bring up your terminal on any devices with browser if you log in :)
Don't forget to use tmux/screen to keep the session.
Have a happy coding on any devices!