Coding on any devices (mac,ios,android,windows,chromeos) seamlessly

Wazaterm - Develop anywhere on any devices with browser

Era to have multiple devices

How many computers do you have? I have a Macbook Pro at home and Chromebox at work and occasionally bring my tablet, iPad to a cafe. If you want to write a code seamlessly across the devices, you need to do the followings:-

  1. Sign up a cloud service(e.g. AWS, Linode, DigitalOcean..) to get a server/instance.
  2. Install SSH Client in all your devices. Sometimes you need to purchase an SSH client.
  3. Set up the SSH client like public/secret keys on multiple devices

Wazaterm does all things in one place, browser with minimal price (see Pricing page for the detail). If you have a browser, you can write a code seamlessly across the devices!

How to use Wazaterm

1. Go to and signup

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2. Select storage

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3. Select instance

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4. Start the terminal. Now you can bring up your terminal on any devices with browser if you log in :)

Don't forget to use tmux/screen to keep the session.

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Have a happy coding on any devices!